



angel and I talk about love and ecstacy and self-involvement. highlights include hopelessly strung-out metaphors about flattery and straightforwardness, and a suggestion that an ideal world would be ecstacy-induced.

in which Guillermo shares a wonderful poem and his recently-hatched experiment in which he will plot out his writing's and his emotional moods in an attempt to reduce poetry to formula. but oh what wonderful elegant math it will be. it's really much more intriguing than i'm letting on, but that's just cuz i'm stuck on the idea of art being irrational so i'm pleasantly, passively sabotaging the whole affair. make sure you check out the links in the conversation. both are worth the effort.

most of the action takes place in front of a gay bookstore in south Houston. but all of the action takes place whereever me and my brothers are at.

starting with a scathing rhyme the strips down the male psyche from the inside, this conversation (with a man (or woman) that has asked to remain anonymous) quickly spiraled harrowingly down into a philosophical mess about art and aesthetics and math and freedom and others.

are they feared flowers? are they gayly attired felines with dreadlocks? are we not men? review inside.

that's all. really.

by yours truly

but that's a story for another day. today me and he were talking about insecurity and about arbitrariness and the legitimacy of criticism. i'm not sure he appreciated mine

delightfully absurd poetry embedded in a sublimely mangled sports metaphor

getting to know all aboouut me. it's not a 100-things list, but it is some bulleted facts (some essential but most just essential. if you know what i mean)

a crash course on how i write and how i talk and how i usually talk about myself and why i talk about my self (and it's not really all that annoyingly self-centered...try it. you'll like it.)

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angels Have relaTionship Issues, Too

angel: hey
billy: hi angel
billy: how you been?
angel: i dunno
billy: oh...what's up?
angel: do you think an uneven relationship is worth it if both parties care a lot?
billy: uneven how?
angel: like one person likes the other more
billy: one likes the other more but they both like each other a lot?
billy: yeah, it's worth it
angel: yes
angel: what are the perks of being equal
billy: the perks...i don't know
billy: less friction
billy: but if there's no friction between you and someone you kind of doubt they have their own identity
billy: so are you the one who likes more or less?
angel: does it matter?
angel: why is it that girls need to hear the words so badly?
angel: why is it i desire to conform when unique is an ideal?
angel: why do i have to lie to myself to see if my emotions fit the standard
billy: lol...could i have a minute on those?
angel: yes
billy: ok
angel: so?
billy: sorry, something came up. one sec.
angel: its ok
angel: if you're busy you don't have to sit here and answer my stupid questions
billy: i would imagine people need to hear i love you because they have a wrong idea about love. i don't really think love is something you do to the other person and that they respond to (at least it shouldn't be - cuz then love would be a very commercial thing). love is something you have for someone cuz of who they are. and it's something worth having for itself. although it is nice if they have the same for you. but you shouldn't feel motivated by someone's feelings for you either. love isn't an obligation and it's not a debt to be paid. and i'm sorry if i sound too philosophic
billy: but are you kidding...i'm pleasantly surprised that you're even still talking to me
angel: why is that
billy: about the second two questions...i don't know. and i don't feel comfortable just guessing. especially after our last conversation
angel: what did we talk about
angel: i forgot
billy: you were upset or bothered or pissed or something (at least you seemed like it) about me worrying about you lately
billy: and you weren't sure why i cared
angel: i decided to burn all of my journals
angel: page by page
billy: when? why?
angel: after i get home from cali
angel: do you want to come to my burning ceremony?
angel: it would really mean a lot if someone was there but i can't decide who
billy: when did you go to cali? spring break
billy: i'll come, but why are you doing it?
billy: not that i'm trying to talk you down from it or anything
billy: burning just seems a bit elaborate
billy: like you're trying to do something with the burning
angel: i decided that i've been clinging to the past too long
angel: and the only way i can forgot the lies i made myself believe is if i burn the past
billy: isn't recognizing they were lies enough?
billy: burning just means you won't be able to read them
billy: but the lies didn't come from your journal
angel: the thing is...
angel: i say this but in my head i don't completely believe it
angel: every time i read it its just reinforcing the lies
billy: so you think it's lies but you're not convinced that it is lies. and every time you read the lies you start thinking maybe they're true?
angel: something like that
billy: and why do you think they're lies...if you don't mind my asking?
angel: even if they weren't lies i want to forget
billy: you know people become alcoholics because they're trying to forget
billy: angel
billy: what were you lying to yourself about?
angel: you think just because you use my name i'll tell you
billy: was it that heavy-handed
billy: ignore the question then
billy: sorry
angel: it’s just that...
angel: well, this has nothing to do with it really,
angel: but your poetry, you know how you say its meant to evoke a underlying mood and not conveying some deep message or defining thought?
billy: yeah
angel: well, that's how i feel about myself...i'm so vague and unfocused, but when i write it sounds like i'm trying to clarify my thoughts and feelings which is completely futile, and in the end i'm just lying to myself about everything, but what is the other option?
billy: why do you feel like you're lying to yourself just cuz you're vague and unfocused?
billy: or is that not why
angel: it’s not that
angel: i'm lying to myself because i'm using words created by other people to define myself
angel: when i don't even know the meaning of those words
billy: so make up your own words
billy: make up your own definitions
billy: draw your own pictures
billy: it works
angel: that's fine for myself, but what happens when other people get involved?
billy: people are smart enough to communicate without a developed language
billy: i you get anything from what i write?
billy: cuz i honestly don't write for you
angel: online or your poetry?
billy: poetry (if my writing's just a mess though ignore this train of thought)
angel: what do you mean by get anything
billy: do you feel like any understanding and any level has been communicated to you through the writing...whether it's about myself or just about stuff in general?
billy: but you're right though...words, especially the ones people share, just aren't gonna fit individuals
angel: yet i still feel the need to try
billy: which is very understandable...but knowing that words aren't going to fit into all of your nooks and crannies, you shouldn't hold it against yourself or them, when they can't paint an exact picture
billy: which is why i write like an abstract impressionist
angel: that’s the only way to truthfully write
angel: i wish other people understood too
billy: they'll understand the underlying, but they have different frames of context that those energies play out in
angel: but i feel the need to use and hear certain strong words
angel: such as love to be specific
billy: so use it
angel: i did and now i regret it
billy: cuz he didn't say it back
angel: not only that but because i don't even know if it’s true
angel: but that’s not the frustrating thing
angel: i don't care that he didn't say it back
billy: oh...what is
angel: if he had i would've been upset still
billy: cuz you don't know if it's true
angel: not only that
billy: what else?
angel: but it just sounds so stupid....if you're happy why do you feel the need to say something like that? is it going to improve the situation?
billy: what does happy have to do with the need to say something
billy: expression shouldn't always be about manipulating the situation...especially around love
angel: it just seems to me that once you realize something like that and put it into words, it’s like you're waking up from a dream
billy: yeah, but shouldn't love be able to survive reality?
angel: for a poet
angel: for everyone else
angel: probably not
billy: is it love if it can't?
angel: who's definition of love
angel: mine? never
billy: all poetry is is tailoring language to fit yourself
angel: i agree
billy: maybe it is part of your definition of love but you gloss over it cuz you want to have love
angel: yeah that’s my problem
angel: sad but true
billy: so be happy with having something that isn't love but is what it is
billy: or not
angel: it’s too late
angel: i've already "defined" my feelings
angel: i can't take it back without aggravating the situation
billy: not at all...everything is constantly redefined. especially when we define by relation
angel: once again, in the inner/poetic world, but when other people are involved it just seems foolish
billy: what's wrong with an aggravated situation? i mean, you are willing to light a fire to ease your conscience, right?
angel: i guess i care too much about what others think
angel: but if love truly exists in the world why should i right?
billy: not just that...if you care about someone, shouldn't you give them something real to hold on to
billy: instead of leaving them leaning against something that you can't give them
angel: yes that’s true
billy: so yes, you do owe it to yourself to consider their feelings, but that doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't aggravate the situation
angel: but if it’s you who is truly truly loving, can you still love shamelessly without ever being reciprocated
angel: or do you have to take that love back?
billy: hmm...i wanna say that it's not love if you are bothered by a lack of reciprocation. but i don't think love is just for perfect people
billy: (at least, i'm not sure enough of it to tell it to someone who is trying to figure it out)
billy: but the expectation of reciprocation isn't part of love, it's part of an imperfect person loving.
billy: and there's no guarantee that love will be easy
billy: and i'm sorry if i sound like an asshole for saying all of that
angel: so in order to keep my ideal of love true and pure i have to be miserable for the rest of my life right?
angel: so human's imperfection is actually the result of wanting to be happy
billy: don't have to be miserable the rest of your life. but friction comes from imperfection, so unless you're perfect, you're gonna have to deal with friction
billy: i haven't figured out why people aren't perfect yet, but i'll let you know
billy: i don't think it's cuz we want to be happy
angel: well it doesn't matter anyway
billy: no, i guess it doesn't
billy: so when were you planning the book burning?
angel: whenever i get back
angel: i saw your cousin
billy: oh it's spring break now huh
billy: my cousin?
billy: heather
angel: heather
angel: at a rave
angel: on sat
billy: where are you now?
angel: home
billy: and the journals are at school?
angel: yea
angel: so have you ever rolled
billy: on e
billy: i've never done anything but smoke weed and drink and i quit both of those a long time ago
angel: is that a no?
angel: ok
angel: just wondering
billy: yeah, that's a no
billy: so you done it or just curious?
angel: i just recently tried it for the first time
billy: and?
angel: i think everyone should try it just once
angel: unless they have addictive impulses
billy: really, why?
angel: after you've experience that kind of happiness, its hard to forget
billy: what kind of happiness?
billy: and you don't sound very happy now...not even residually
angel: i'm normal
angel: maybe i've been talking about love and happiness a lot as a result of rolling
angel: when you roll, its the best feeling in the world
billy: when did you...saturday?
angel: you're soooo happy because you feel so loved
angel: yea
angel: that’s when i thought i may actually be in love with whom we've been discussing
billy: lol
billy: just blame it on the ecstasy then
angel: cuz even though there were thousands of people there who you feel completely connected with, i was still thinking about how much i wanted him there
angel: whatever
billy: that sounds legitimate
billy: especially if you've thought about it since then
angel: yea i guess
billy: why aren't you sure you love him?
angel: good question
angel: because if love like this isn't reciprocated, the world is a very very cruel place
billy: it may well be...but you're doubting that you love him cuz you love him
angel: lol, yea now i'm just confusing myself
angel: is getting hurt so bad?
billy: not at all...especially since it's in the past
angel: lol
billy: i'm jealous though...1) cuz you think you love someone, and 2) cuz it's not me
angel: i'm hoping the impact will be less if i burn the past now maybe the drugs will help me forget
billy: but yeah, you can live with pain
billy: lol...yes, burn the past and burn the hash
angel: i think its better to live with pain especially for people like you
billy: and forget everything else
angel: what else will you write about
billy: people like me?
angel: yea...that seems the best answer
billy: i don't really try and write about pain and i'm an overwhelmingly happy and high and naive and idealistic person
billy: you do realize i was kidding about all the burning
angel: i wasn't
billy: i don't think it's a good idea at all...either way
billy: i know
angel: you know why i like talking to you? you seem to have mastered the english language
angel: everything you say is relevant and makes sense
angel: that’s what its like to roll
angel: you can say everything you ever wanted to say but didn't know how
billy: Bob said he felt the same way on Ritalin
angel: really?
billy: but i don't hear that often about myself...most people think i'm too tangential or skip too many steps
angel: maybe i should give that a try
angel: that’s not true
angel: you skip the obvious
billy: yeah, he said he felt really lucid and energetic
billy: well thank you
angel: i feel like you can read my mind sometimes
angel: that’s something else about x
angel: it makes you so empathetic
angel: you can truly feel everyone else's love and pain
billy: i think you should know though...i'm against using drugs to achieve results. you should do it through will alone. i think
billy: yeah, i've heard that
angel: is bob around now?
angel: or is he away for break
angel: never mind
billy: nope...he's at home in scenic bastrop for the whole break
angel: i suddenly stopped caring
angel: is rush in a band?
angel: what were you being a groupie for
billy: caring?...about where bob was for the break
billy: yeah, rush is in a band
billy: wanna read my review of their first show?
angel: what kind
angel: not really
angel: i'm sorry
billy: lol...ok
angel: i have to write something
billy: it's hard rock, with punk influences and other stuff
angel: i see
billy: ok, well i'll let you write then
billy: can you call me about the ceremony though
angel: do you feel bad that i use you for your good advice
billy: 512.303.9519
angel: can you email it to me?
angel: i won't remember
billy: not at all...i felt bad that i might be assuming too much in giving you advice
billy: yeah, no problem
angel: you probably assume the right things
billy: i really would like to go out to dinner sometime though
billy: if your fiancee isn't
billy: t the type to mind
angel: see, if i were like you i wouldn't feel the need to want to do drugs
angel: my fiancee?
angel: he's not
billy: you can be like me angel....there's a 12-step program
angel: what's step 1
angel: see even though you're kidding i believe you
billy: you just wanna believe me
billy: but believe me, being yourself is a wonderful thing
angel: i want to think that everything you say is infallible
angel: except the things you say to feed my ego
angel: no, being yourself is a wonderful thing
angel: being myself is vague and confusing
billy: i want to think everything i say is infallible
billy: but being myself is out of sync with a lot of people. which is really frustrating when i think about it cuz i really want to love someone
billy: and have someone love me
billy: and have lots of little children
angel: o gross i'm going to puke
angel: lol jk
angel: i don't want to think of you that way
angel: as a human
billy: why not?
angel: i dunno
angel: that’s my answer if i do know but don't know how to say it
angel: instead of lying to you i'll give you my real answer
billy: but isn't i dunno lying. since you do know...if you want to tell me you don't know how to say it, i can take that and stop bothering you about the other, unsay-able answer
billy: which you've done. so i won't tease you anymore
angel: i'm so addicted to love...i didn't realize it until after i rolled
billy: yeah...but you don't want a cheap imitation. that just leads to a harsh high and a painful crash
billy: and more addiction
angel: where else will i find it
angel: omg that’s so sad
angel: but you've never tried it
angel: its not like a cheap imitation
billy: do you have a real love to compare it to?
angel: i have God
billy: so god and e give you the same feeling? (i've always thought god was a drug anyway...but we're not talking about me)
angel: with God i have to try a little harder.
angel: can't i have both
billy: i'm sure you can...well i'm not sure, but i don't know at all. and you really feel like you love god and god loves you and that makes life good (you know, how you felt on e except for a longer time)?
angel: honestly, God has never made me as happy as ecstacy has
billy: i believe you...which is why i should've asked if you've ever been in love with a person before
billy: do you have a basis for comparison...can you tell whether or not ecstacy is a cheap imitation?
billy: how can it not be, when it's just a pill
billy: and at the same time, i've never done it before so take all this with a grain of salt
billy: but i have been in love before (i'm almost certain even in hindsight), and i can tell you that i can still get high thinking about that
angel: the only time i have ever felt as energized and happy as i felt on e was after spending hours with him and coming back home and falling asleep thinking of him
angel: but even that was short lasting and fickle
angel: e is different, because everyone loves you not just one person
angel: and you are completely without inhibitions
angel: its like a truth serum
angel: it makes you understand love so much more
angel: which is sad, because you wonder if love is only chemical
angel: but then afterwards you still have the positive energy and good vibes and maybe its not chemical but mental and spiritual
angel: anyway
angel: i have a headache
angel: maybe i shouldn't talk anymore
angel: i'm not making sense
angel: but then again do i ever
billy: you make sense enough that i keep talking to you
billy: why did you say that you ignore me when i'm flattering you earlier?
angel: i don't remember
billy: don't worry about it
angel: i dislike flattery in general
billy: but do you separate it from honesty or just consider all compliments flattery (cuz i agree, flattery is useless and misleading)
billy: and empty
angel: any compliment makes feel awkward and more aware of being cocky and self-involved
angel: i don't really know how to react
billy: you're not gonna get past being self-involved
angel: what do you mean
billy: you are yourself and a huge part of that is yourself
billy: it is self-involved but that doesn't mean it's wrong
billy: and i've never seen a convincing argument that people do anything unselfish
billy: even if they give their life for someone, it's because they think that is what they should do and they want to do what they should do
billy: of course that might just be semantics
billy: my mom accuses me of it all the time
angel: i don't know what we're talking about anymore
angel: its obviously something you feel strongly about but i don't give a shit
billy: lol
angel: see stuff like that
angel: makes me want to be less self-involved
billy: stuff like what?
angel: completely losing interest when it doesn't matter to my life personally
billy: if you want to feel less self-involved (and once again it seems like semantics) then conceptualize the whole world you live in as a part of yourself
angel: my head really hurts
angel: i think semantics make a world of difference
billy: i'm not sure you should be interested if it doesn't affect your personally. but i'll let you go if you wanted to get off and rest your head
angel: lol
angel: you make me feel like an old lady
billy: lol...i try
billy: yeah, but people think there is no substance in semantics
angel: how can they say that when everything that is is based upon it
angel: wait
angel: that’s not what i mean to say
angel: do you get it?
billy: i do get it...and i agree. but most people see semantics and they think rhetorical tricks to win arguments, not finely tuned language that is trying to capture the nuances of existence
billy: wait
billy: that's not what i mean to say
billy: do you get it?
angel: lol
angel: are you mocking me?
angel: cuz yes i do get it
billy: lol...just teasing
billy: but with no ill intent
angel: what i don't get
angel: is how you can still find me interesting to talk to when i don't make sense and have no depth to me.
angel: its like a constant mind guessing game
angel: that most people quickly tire of
billy: dude...didn't i tell you earlier that most people don't think i make sense
billy: ingrid (my ex-girlfriend) always gets pissed at me for it
angel: but you make perfect sense
angel: i'm the one that doesn't make sense
billy: so you say, but i haven't had a problem understanding you
angel: how strange
billy: bizarre
angel: but you understand most people don't you?
angel: i understand most everyone but myself
angel: well, i understand myself,
angel: but i've found there's nothing to understand
angel: and that’s what i don't understand
angel: lol...or maybe i'm just going in circles
angel: and i'm a nobody
billy: why are you a nobody?
angel: because everything that i am is actually everyone else and there is no part of me that is truly me
billy: except that everyone else is a part of you. so at the very least you're a bundle of nerves and sense organs and emotions (which is a much more wonderful thing than people realize)...but you also think about those things all on your own. what more do you want to be?
angel: i want to have a soul
billy: one that you're aware of?
angel: why wouldn't you be aware of having a soul
billy: for the same reason you might not be aware of exactly what criteria a teacher is grading you by...maybe god wants to judge your personal intent and not your desire to pass the class
angel: i like what you said
billy: hush...
angel: ?
billy: i don't handle compliments well either
angel: how do you handle them
billy: i fondle them actually
angel: lol
angel: then i would say you handle them very well
billy: it all depends on how the compliments feel about it
billy: some of them say they've been violated
billy: and that i don't respect their personal space
angel: don't listen to them...they say one thing and mean another
billy: i tend to do the same thing to metaphors
angel: they actually like it
billy: i have to take them at face value...otherwise they'll never realize they should wear their emotions on their sleeves and leave the games behind
billy: and i'll get caught up in all the double meanings and guessing games too
angel: i can't tell if you're being serious or just extending the metaphor
billy: i'm being serious, but i'm ignoring the metaphor and talking about girls now and people in general (without telling you that i'm doing so) except that now i told you
billy: the metaphor might still work but i'm not taking the time to figure it out
billy: feel free though
angel: girls aren't hard to figure out
angel: compliments either
billy: i'm sure they're not...but once you have to start figuring the figuring takes on a life of its own
angel: the figuring is just an extension of you
billy: exactly
angel: so its not the girl but you?
billy: but it masquerades as "what the other person really thinks" behind the porcelain doll face they hold up
angel: isn't it comforting knowing they're thinking the same thing
billy: yeah, it's me. or whoever's doing the figuring, but people learn to figure cuz other people start hiding, purposefully or not
billy: it would be very comforting knowing someone was thinking what they were showing, which is why i try to act like they are
angel: that’s not what i mean
billy: oh
angel: let me clarify
billy: ok
billy: please do
angel: isn't it comforting knowing they're trying to figure the figuring out just as you are? so unless you don't care at all both are confused
billy: lol...comforting. frustrating. it's just semantics i guess
angel: i think its a great comfort knowing someone feels the same way
angel: that’s something else e has taught me
angel: maybe that’s why love should be reciprocated
angel: its not about reciprocating love
billy: but you're just guessing they feel the same way. unless they tell you. in which case they are straight up saying how they feel and you're not figuring
billy: which is good
angel: its more about empathy
billy: but do you really want to say love "should" be that your love is a moral obligation on someone
angel: try e and then you'll know what i mean
billy: sorry honey
angel: you're the one that should be sorry
billy: lol
billy: that sounded real funny
billy: not that i couldn't change my mind about e or any other drug, but i don't feel like it yet
angel: no love shouldn't be reciprocated
angel: but in an ideal world (e induced) everyone loves everyone
billy: really...why is that so ideal?
angel: you feel the community, you don't have to hide anything. you can just be yourself without fearing what other people think, cuz they all love you
billy: and then love becomes very run-of-the-mill and nothing so spectacular as to pine about reciprocation
angel: you can go up to any stranger and be best friends in a second
angel: you can talk to anyone
angel: why does it have to be special
angel: can't it just be and can't we just be satisfied with that
billy: apparently not
billy: cuz it is what it is and we're looking for more
angel: if we think that way we'll never be content
angel: we should just stop thinking
angel: and meditate on what we have
billy: if we all do that we don't really need universal love then
angel: why are you always online?
angel: are you at work?
billy: yeah, i'm at work
billy:'ve been online just as much
angel: that’s because i like distraction when i'm trying to do homework
angel: and i'm always trying to do hw
billy: but yeah...i'm usually only on at work. lately at least
billy: although i'll come around to talk to a few certain people at night
angel: doesn't it feel lacking to spend so much time in your own head, or this virtual world that only exists in your own minds
billy: my own i think my head is a wonderful place to spend time. and i don't believe that it's virtual space
billy: i mean...people used to fall in love and get married almost completely by correspondence
billy: you can have real relationships much as you could talking on the phone. there are just parts of the relationship that you can't explore
billy: and it's for each person to decide how important those parts are

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Guillermo writes poetry...

and he's convinced that math doesn't suck the soul out of art

guillermo: yo
billy: sup
guillermo: whats the good word mr. moreno
billy: me. i'm good
billy: i wanna go back to school
billy: i've got things i'd like help learning
guillermo: like what
billy: mostly the music...but i'd also like some real structured criticism and instruction on writing
guillermo: make sure you go to the right place
guillermo: cuz i was like that about design and being at BMCC is the wrong move
guillermo: i hate it
guillermo: i'm learnign shit i know
guillermo: wanna be advanced already
billy: yeah, and i know i would be the same way. not that i would hate it, just that i wouldn't do it
billy: wouldn't go to english 101
billy: but if that's the only way to get into the advanced classes i owe it to myself to make the effort, cuz i want that advanced if there're other ways to get it, i'm definitely not set on one in particular yet
billy: so school's not going good or it's just frustrating you?
guillermo: it’s just frustrating
billy: how long before you get to the classes you want
guillermo: 2 semesters
guillermo: after this one
guillermo: can u believe that
guillermo: oh and yes, i have to take english 101
billy: haha...don't worry about your grades though. unless you do.
billy: otherwise just make sure you pass
billy: and then do what you need to do to get the most out of the class
guillermo: are u reading my shit
guillermo: i'm trying that
guillermo: with the classes i'm taking now
guillermo: but its too difficult
billy: when i go back, i'm gonna ask my professors not to give me my grades
billy: why's it so difficult?
billy: and no, i'm not reading yet
guillermo: there are already too many distractions
billy: get rid of them...whatever you think, it is up to you
guillermo: man
guillermo: hoes
billy: hoes...easy to ignore
guillermo: not for me
billy: psh
guillermo: we're going to stop speaking
guillermo: so u can read
billy: will that work?
guillermo: READ!
guillermo: you got me over here reading volumes
billy: i know, now i feel guilty
billy: i will read
guillermo: lol
billy: soon
billy: you might as well talk to me...i can't read right now
billy: i'm "looking" busy
guillermo: what if i just cut and paste
billy: then i can give you a general idea of what i think of it
Too many have come,
ungoverned and done
with [ phrases ] that
oscillate at the
locale derived tempo of
sensibility .- foreigners from
grey planets with dirt brown
tongues that grow in
chiseled esophagi and breathe
in difference from
winged lungs, airborne for
a nameless sake, careened
through some chasm to reach
this embrace:

this color, this rip some where beyond words

that holds my hand and
keeps its shape within
some unsuccessful and even
fewer of some sort at all.

I have sat here swallowing times
coming for weeks on beginnings
that have meaningless ends and
birthed not one moment
that could match ours in
silence: what am I doing
with myself. simply put,
glow through your eyelids
and raise lumps in my
throat. I have been
speaking mud for
about 4 weeks.
its hardened in my throat
and my crucified dreams
canít push through earthy periods,
so, please
spare me the insight.
spare me the beginnings.
whatever pen I can
( my
hands )
will not
mark periods.
I charge your bare wombs
for baring witness in reflection
and demand an explanation
for your
piss in
this embrace:

this mother, this quip some where beyond words

that molds this man
and holds his shape
for dreams

time is not tasty.

guillermo: got it?
billy: yep
guillermo: guillermo!
billy: i'm reading, and certifying mail, and talking to a friend about wanting to burn her journals, but i am reading
guillermo: ok
billy: guillermo!
guillermo: guillermo!
billy: this was wonderful
guillermo: thanks
billy: no really
guillermo: what'd u like?
billy: the repetitions, the line breaks, the concrete but unreal imagery, the playfulness of language
billy: the fucking emotion
guillermo: thanks man
guillermo: i tried to make all the line breaks meaningful
guillermo: not just for the rhythm of it
billy: no really...this was lighter linguistically than most of the pieces you write but just as emotionally heavy
guillermo: thats what i'm going for
guillermo: cool
billy: yeah, i try to line break to create layers of images off of a single stretch of words
guillermo: my fav is this: "with myself. simply put,"
billy: the middle of the end is wonderful too
billy: especially the "this mother..." line
guillermo: thanks
billy: so how do you feel about it?

(no response. 15 minutes later…)

billy: yeah. pretty much
guillermo: thats what I told him
billy: well he said that you said more than you should have but less than he wanted to hear
billy: and i heard things elsewhere too
guillermo: i never said anything

guillermo: i'm dling ths program that charts your mood for 20 days
guillermo: think that'll helpp with my experiment
guillermo: 20 days at a time
guillermo: that is
billy: if it's sophisticated enough
billy: you think your algorithm is as simple as being on a time-cycle?
guillermo: no
guillermo: i dont know what it is though
billy: ok, cuz i always knew you were feminine. but a lunar cycle would've sealed it
guillermo: having this information would be good though
guillermo: lol
guillermo: just to see what i write in relation to certain "mood statistics"
billy: well let me know how it works and what you come up with
guillermo: just trying out new things
guillermo: as much as possible
guillermo: did you read what i put up in ego?
guillermo: in iunctura?
billy: nope...didn't realize anything was up
guillermo: put it up last night
billy: i like that...although i still disagree
billy: but it should be mad interesting
billy: so i'll try and be sure to let you know what criticism i have as i read and react
guillermo: wasi clear enough?
billy: yeah
billy: and i really still do disagree
billy: really
billy: so challenge me
billy: genius
billy: and i'm not gonna change my line breaks just cuz you think you can figure me out, fool
billy: lol
billy: brb
guillermo: LOL
guillermo: but i'm not going for that type of thing
billy: that a joke?
guillermo: lol
guillermo: don’t know
guillermo: i've seen a lot of those lyric generators
guillermo: i think what i'm doing is a lot more intimate though
billy: but not as intimate as it could be
guillermo: touche
billy: maybe
billy: but it's not fault of your own. just i think the project is necessarily limited and doomed to approximation
billy: but fascinating
guillermo: doomed to approximation
guillermo: better than nothing
billy: nothing isn't the only other option
billy: i might have to rewrite faust for you my friend
guillermo: but it's worse than something
guillermo: which is my only point
guillermo: and i Plato for you
guillermo: which is what I intend to do
guillermo: for all you niggas
billy: do you...i'm flattered
billy: so you consider yourself something of an aristotle, hmmm....
billy: you could have everything, if you stopped trying to have everyone...but i really do think you should do this (like i'm gonna decide your course either way)
billy: yo, on need to fix it so that in the comments areas when people's names link out to their own sites it opens it's own window
guillermo: oh ok
guillermo: my bust
billy: no sweat
billy: when was the last time i heard "my bust"
guillermo: lol
billy: mary hasn't been around in days. emailed me once saying she was real busy. and a few other emails here and there. but i'd like to talk to her. that's all
guillermo: aww poor baby
billy: it's cool

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the Brothers Rock

me and bob (my brother) drove to houston to hang out with our stepbrother rush on saturday. we picked him up from work at about 7, met up with some of his friends, grabbed a guitar and some bongo drums and hopped over to the local gay/club district.

and then we rocked the street.

we started out just walking around and playing and singing for people that we ran into. we went into mcdonald's and serenaded the kids in the playscape. they poked out there heads to watch but didn't come all the way out. one of the kids dad stood in the window with his little little daughter (she was a cutie) and watched us. i don't know if he was sure what to think at first, but he figured out that we weren't harassing them (although bob is a very aggressive singer). then we brought the show inside. played a song for the customers and crew. got a nice round of applause and then left.

we tried playing for this tattoo parlor but they kicked us out. the response from the second tattoo parlor we played for was hard to read. the people were smiling, but menacing. one girl came up to the door and stood there listening, didn't say anything, then just went back in. but at least they didn't call the cops like rush thought they were going to.

next we hit up hollywood video (a blockbuster-type video superstore if you don't know). and this time we had a plan. we walked in with our instruments holstered. and while people stared at us oddly we scattered and made our way to the big panel of snowy t.v.'s, struck an overblown 80's rock pose, and proceeded to ROCK! after a loud intro, we once again scattered and bob improvised an anthem from snippets off the back of video cases. people were loving it.

the main part of the night we camped out in front of a gay bookstore (although we weren't allowed to sit in their outdoor area (that was really just the sidewalk with their chairs on it) unless we all bought coffee). we stopped traffic. we made $7. people requested songs (any and every request got "black dog" instead). we got interviewed by some college kids from a bible studying school who were asking about truth. bob said he could only come up with an answer in song. he said something about bean curd and tofu being the same thing and the girl that was with them was after him all night about it. they sat down with us and she played one of our drums (much better than we did). it's cool though - they're going to show that tape to their class. we're gonna be stars. and i'm gonna be known as the guy who doesn't believe truth is that relevant (and at the same time...that i have a better idea of what's what than most people). then it got cold and we went home.

we spent the night at rush's mother's house. my mom called at noon and she was pissed cuz we hadn't left yet. then she was pissed cuz i said we were gonna stick around that afternoon to go to the bob marley festival. we ended up not cuz i didn't wanna have to deal with her. my mother's way too possessive. we didn't leave for an hour and a half after i talked to her (cuz rush's mom made us breakfast). so when we get home she comes into my room and with all seriousness asks if i have a crush on rush's mother. (after telling me that i was insensitive for taking bob away all weekend.) so i told her she was a fool. and that was that. she really is a fool. and jealous. and throws tantrums. and and and.

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from Dickles to Metaphysics

Billy: my dick'll tickle your elbow/ this pickle is well-known
guest vocalist: how well?
Billy: see these adidas shelltoes. it helps sell those
Billy: haha
guest vocalist: lol
Billy: so what up
guest vocalist: i can feel myself slipping into my old habits
guest vocalist: skipping class
guest vocalist: you're still writing?
Billy: slowed down some. a page this whole last week
Billy: but that's mostly cuz i've been busy
Billy: mostly
Billy: also a little stuck
Billy: and i started messing around with the music too
guest vocalist: ah that's right
Billy: is it
guest vocalist: yes. the guitar pieces
guest vocalist: the wonderful chords
guest vocalist: i'm going to try to write today
Billy: wonderful...are you teasing me?
Billy: any ideas or just gonna sit?
guest vocalist: teasing of course lol
guest vocalist: some ideas
Billy: bastard
Billy: you'll day you'll see
guest vocalist: i really do hope so
Billy: when i get away from working i'm gonna take some music theory classes...prolly piano too
Billy: what ideas though
guest vocalist: i wonder what they cover in music theory
guest vocalist: and if they give math the props it deserves...random ideas
Billy: i know that in my intro to music class we talked about math pretty frequently when we were covering classical music and of course when we were talking about the actual sounds and colors
Billy: but you can't write by math
Billy: it won't be irrational enough
guest vocalist: *sighing*
guest vocalist: billy billy billy
Billy: lol...what
guest vocalist: don't ever say anything like that to me again
guest vocalist: i wish i could explain this to you
guest vocalist: this is why that section of my site isn't up...i have to word this perfectly
guest vocalist: and study more
guest vocalist: i think it'll just be a journal of my thoughts
Billy: don't ever say anything like that to you again...and then a whole lot of inconclusiveness
Billy: i'm lost
guest vocalist: yeah so sorry
guest vocalist: lemme give it a shot
Billy: please
guest vocalist: i'm starting to believe that there is no such thing as irrational thought
Billy: listening
guest vocalist: i think an algorithm can be derived to explain just about everything.
guest vocalist: music, poetry, whatever...your style is an algorithm
guest vocalist: mine is
Billy: that sounds like a terrible aesthetic
guest vocalist: or the result of one, rather
Billy: ok, say you derive your style to or from an algorithm
Billy: either way, how do you decide what is attractive?
guest vocalist: no wait, lemme reword
guest vocalist: your style is the algorithm itself...yeah lol..
Billy: especially if you've already said that everything can be explained as such so it's not like that's a distinguishing factor that makes a particular style attractive
guest vocalist: you've got all these elements that contribute to the way you write/paint/etc.
Billy: lol...that was deep.
guest vocalist: what we see as attractive can be explained mathematically too
Billy: there's no freedom in math. there's no will. there's no self
Billy: that's ugly
guest vocalist: that's life
guest vocalist: and there is freedom
guest vocalist: its just limited
guest vocalist: you're allowed to do whatever you want
Billy: ok, tell me this. is the algorithm only there after the fact (with a new one present after every fact)?
guest vocalist: but eventually i think we all limit ourselves
Billy: or do you act according to a preexisting algorithm?
guest vocalist: when new elements are introduced, the algorithm changes
guest vocalist: its not pre-existing
guest vocalist: no
Billy: well, that's goofy
guest vocalist: how so
Billy: i mean of course you can correlate a set of arbitrary definitions to something that has already happened
guest vocalist: what're u talking about?
Billy: ok...are you saying that someone can explain every act that happens from here on out without introducing any new terms or definitions?
guest vocalist: NO
guest vocalist: guest vocalist: i'm starting to believe that there is no such thing as irrational thought
Billy: yeah, but there's a difference between saying that you can describe a thought after the fact and saying that you can describe it before it 's thought
Billy: there's power in the latter, none in the former
Billy: brb....keep talking and don't you dare leave
guest vocalist: ah i see what you mean. what i'm suggesting, for example, is that i may be able to predict or maybe even write the same poem you'll write, given the same inspiration, as long as i know all the elements that makeup your algorithm and how they're related to each other
guest vocalist: and as far as irrational thought goes, i just don't think it exists. reason is relative, so there can be no absolute irrationality. and here i am joining too unrelated things
guest vocalist: they are related i guess
Billy: yeah they are...lemme think for a second
guest vocalist: oooh
guest vocalist: guest vocalist: i think an algorithm can be derived to explain just about everything.
guest vocalist: that's where i fucked up
guest vocalist: sorry
Billy: why is that where you fucked up? you draw a line between art and everything?
guest vocalist: i mean
guest vocalist: i cant predict who'll marry who
guest vocalist: even though its all pre-destined
Billy: so you're saying there's no will still. you could write the same poem i would write if you knew everything relevant before the moment of the action
Billy: but are you saying you can't predict that cuz you're not capable enough or cuz it's not possible?
guest vocalist: right...and how all those things relate to each other
guest vocalist: i cant predict that because i don't have the capacity to do so
Billy: so you're treating will as being able to do whatever you want and want as a sum of all of your factors and their relationships and however they algorithmically play out?
Billy: i've thought about it...and i agree that people never do anything they don't want to in that broader sense of want
Billy: but i don't think you can account for the will rationally
Billy: and until you do almost completely...i don't know that i could be convinced
Billy: cuz the will doesn't have to be the whole person and as long as their is error in prediction there is room for the will
Billy: no?
Billy: and i mean an irrational will
guest vocalist: all right, i'll reply line by line, tell me if i'm being contradictory
Billy: k
guest vocalist: i'm treating will and style as two different things. i AM saying that you can do "whatever you want and want as a sum of all of your factors and their relationships and however they algorithmically play out?", and i also think that WHAT you want is also pre-destined
Billy: (i am waiting for more right...before i respond?)
guest vocalist: right
Billy: k
guest vocalist: I don't have the capacity to predict or rationally explain anyone's destiny. but i do believe in clairvoyance, so obviously there are people that can. whether or not it can be explained mathematically i guess i really don't know, but i just know shit is all pre-determined
guest vocalist: determined
guest vocalist: as far as style goes
guest vocalist: in art at least
Billy: how do you know?
guest vocalist: i guess after reading all these poems and stuff i've begun to see patterns in them, yours especially, and its lead me to believe that i can probably sum it up mathematically
Billy: now i really don't like myself
guest vocalist: wait, the "as far as art goes..." and everything after that is unrelated
guest vocalist: to the will stuff
Billy: so you don't believe when i'm writing that i have equally appealing choices and i just pick one?
Billy: or that i ever just throw stuff in for randomness and weave it in and rationalize it after the fact?
guest vocalist: no i don't believe that
guest vocalist: at least not right now
guest vocalist: far as the randomness goes
guest vocalist: i've tried it in my head with one poem
guest vocalist: of mine at least
guest vocalist: where i threw in something random
guest vocalist: and if i just treated it as a variable
Billy: then what?
guest vocalist: like, as a loose example: a few abstract lines, more basic ones, more abstraction, something random, abstraction about the random element, then it loops
Billy: yeah
guest vocalist: see what i mean? that's like really loose though
Billy: ok how bout this...if i wrote only for myself, i could satisfactorily write completely abstract. but writing for people to read and to communicate the irrationality of self i constantly touch back on rational relate-able things
Billy: but i couldn't tell you before hand when abstract, irrational imagery is going to manifest
Billy: and i could only tell you after that part was written, what rational parts would be written and why
Billy: but that's because i'm trying to be rational
Billy: which really just means communicable
Billy: but now i really wanna go back and study math so i can see how you're applying this to yourself and feeling like it's an encompassing summary
guest vocalist: i think you could tell me beforehand
guest vocalist: if you studied yourself and your work well enough
Billy: only once i decided
guest vocalist: in relation to your moods or whatever else plays a part in what you write
guest vocalist: no not once you decided
guest vocalist: that's what i'm saying
Billy: cuz me telling you is a self-prophecy and those are tainted
Billy: it would have to be someone else
guest vocalist: its kinda like how you can "predict" the weather
guest vocalist: that's what i'm basically getting at
guest vocalist: if you know what goes into all the shit, you can predict the result
guest vocalist: with some degree of accuracy
guest vocalist: its not far fetched at all i think
guest vocalist: people are just too stuck on an idea of themselves as spontaneous artists to accept that
Billy: but that's what i'm saying...with all the knowledge and all the facts shouldn't you be able to predict exactly
guest vocalist: shit i'm sure you can
Billy: why do you keep admitting some small inaccuracy
Billy: are you
guest vocalist: i just cant now
Billy: lol
guest vocalist: just being realistic
guest vocalist: i think
Billy: accept that you're assuming things are predetermined
guest vocalist: i'm scared i guess lol
Billy: and ignoring the fact that there is chaos at the fundamental level of physical existence
Billy: as far as anyone knows
guest vocalist: well yes i am
Billy: and you're assuming all these things to support an idea that gets you absolutely nothing
guest vocalist: what do u mean by absolutely nothing?
guest vocalist: i think i've mad enough sense of this
Billy: i'll break it down for you
guest vocalist: to battle you right now
Billy: there's for can be predetermined and assume it, or be it and assume you're not (and that you are free). or you can be free and assume you're predetermined or be free and assume you're free
guest vocalist: and i'm saying that everyone does the second
Billy: if you're predetermined it's not up to you what you assume so that side is a wash
Billy: and if you're free and you assume you're predetermined you take absolutely no control or responsibility for you
guest vocalist: that's wrong
guest vocalist: the first at least
Billy: how?
guest vocalist: the way you worded it originally, its correct
guest vocalist: assumptions can still exists whether or not you're predetermined
Billy: originally?
guest vocalist: you said: you can be predetermined and assume it, or be it and assume you're not (and that you are free).
Billy: yeah...but i'm breaking down the impact of each of the four possibilities
guest vocalist: the impact. but who's talking about that?
guest vocalist: i'm not.
Billy: there's for can be predetermined and assume it, 2.or be it and assume you're not (and that you are free). or can be free and assume you're predetermined or free and assume you're free
guest vocalist: understood
Billy: yeah, but i'm asking you why you would accept that you're predetermined without having absolutely no other choice?
Billy: what do you get out of it
guest vocalist: what do you mean what do i get out of it?
guest vocalist: i don’t get anything
guest vocalist: there doesn't have to be an end result, aside from the truth
guest vocalist: i don’t have to "end up" with anything
Billy: but you don't even know it's the truth

guest vocalist: i'm trying to figure that out
guest vocalist: and if it is the truth
Billy: and're the one that said that everything is a result of your algorithmic "wants"
guest vocalist: then i'm fine with ending up with nothing
Billy: so whatever you're assuming it must be cuz you're trying to get something out of it
guest vocalist: right. which was wrong. so yes, your algorithm is predetermined
Billy: yeah, and buddah wanted nothing too. but it wasn't a dissolution of self
Billy: it was just another desire
guest vocalist: so?
Billy: so look at it in those terms...which of the four assumption/reality scenarios is most facilitative to you finding out the truth?
guest vocalist: i already told you that it was #2
Billy: no you assume that that is the truth....but we're agreeing that neither of us knows it is or it isn't
Billy: t
guest vocalist: ok. so let me get this straight. you're arguing that my belief is unfounded because i don’t know whether or not its the truth?
Billy: so allowing that it could be true or false...which assumption makes it easiest to figure out (only cuz i'm assuming that's what you're trying to do)
guest vocalist: by your logic then beliefs are meaningless
guest vocalist: i'd still say the second assumption
Billy: ok, so explain to me why you say the second
guest vocalist: billy?
guest vocalist: oh
Billy: sorry, just some work things in the way
guest vocalist: first, the 'you' that you're using in those assumptions is referring to me?
Billy: beliefs aren't meaningless. they are a force of will, and that's why i question a belief that denies will
guest vocalist: beliefs aren't necessarily a force of will
Billy: which ones...i'll try and keep the you's separate from here on
Billy: not necessarily...if predetermination is true than that is the only meaningful force
Billy: but we're speaking in doubt of that fact
guest vocalist: well lemme put it like this: I believe that I'm predetermined and I, at the same time, assume it.
guest vocalist: yeah but that's clearly not how you meant it
guest vocalist: why do you always do that?
Billy: but the belief and the assumption are the same thing
Billy: do what?
Billy: i mean, belief and assumption are the same thing
guest vocalist: its like you play devil's advocate for both teams just so you make sure you get some minutes in
guest vocalist: u said this: they are a force of will, and that's why i question a belief that denies will
guest vocalist: then said this: not necessarily...if predetermination is true than that is the only meaningful force
Billy: ok...sorry. i'm working under the assumption that people are free so belief is an extension of will
Billy: (and hey, i'm not that desperate to play)
Billy: but if predetermination is true (which is why i say that i assume free will), then beliefs aren't forces in themselves. they are just a named part of the whole predetermined system
guest vocalist: that’s right
Billy: ok
Billy: so if we're predetermined, it doesn't matter (there is no force in) what we think.
guest vocalist: right
Billy: which is why i said earlier that scenarios 1 and 2 are a wash
guest vocalist: but for now, in this moment
guest vocalist: in order for me to figure it out
guest vocalist: i have to assume that i am pre-determined
guest vocalist: and i was confused and saying the second because i thought your use of "you" was all encompassing
Billy: no...if you assume you're predetermined in this moment what happens if you aren't
guest vocalist: nothing
Billy: lol...yeah i guess
guest vocalist: but if i assume that i'm not, how am i gonna figure this out?
Billy: because if you are, you will be forced into a position that you have no choice but to recognize it
Billy: if you assume that you are, how do you plan on figuring it out?
guest vocalist: the way everything else gets figured out
Billy: if you are, you won't figure it out unless You do
guest vocalist: i will, but by no will of mine
Billy: there is no you to figure it out
guest vocalist: right
Billy: so once again, assuming that does help you figure anything out
guest vocalist: but i have to be in the right state of mind to figure it out. so again, by no will of mine, my belief stands
guest vocalist: though its not really my belief
guest vocalist: the belief is just a step in me figuring out/not figuring out this thing
Billy: assuming you're predetermined
guest vocalist: right
Billy: so are you saying that if you assume you're free you have no more power in figuring it out
guest vocalist: i'm saying that i'm incapable of assuming that i have no power to figure it out because its already been determined that i assume that i do
Billy: but you still don't know that you're predetermined and you're already giving up to it
guest vocalist: because its been predetermined that way
Billy: only if it is
guest vocalist: right
Billy: and you can't be without doubt that it is
guest vocalist: no. because i believe it is.
Billy: but you can't prove it...there has to be a reasonable doubt in your mind. not overwhelming, just an admission that you might be wrong.
Billy: once again...i gotta run the route. don't leave though
guest vocalist: at this moment in time, there isn't
guest vocalist: when one arises, i'll let u know
guest vocalist: ok
Billy: hold on
Billy: i'm scared i guess lol...Doubt
Billy: brb
Billy: back
Billy: are you you feel like you can't go on anymore or do you just not want to and you're going to use predetermination as an excuse?
guest vocalist: i guess i'm done
Billy: lol...and you know what. assuming freedom, i get irrelevance, and don't end up with anymore personal responsibility either way
Billy: ok...well maybe you'll agree on this. humanly possible mathematics is not sophisticated enough to create the illusion of spontaneity present in "great" art
guest vocalist: i don’t know. i'm reading something about what mathematics is humanly possible right now
guest vocalist: so i'll get back to you on that
Billy: you do that...hey, i didn't kill all the enjoyability in that conversation, did i?
guest vocalist: you never do
Billy: and do you really think, i'm that formulaic
guest vocalist: i just got mad confused
Billy: writing-wise
guest vocalist: since i hadn't really thought it through already
guest vocalist: enough
Billy: but enough that my writing made it clear to you that style was formulaic
Billy: as opposed to someone else's
guest vocalist: what?
guest vocalist: reword that
Billy: you see more formulaity in my writing than in other people's such that my writing made it clear to you that style is formulaic?
guest vocalist: oh no not at all
guest vocalist: i just study your shit more
Billy: lol...but you do think i'm stuck on the idea that i'm spontaneously artistic?
guest vocalist: yeah. i think we all are
guest vocalist: although lol
guest vocalist: nothing
guest vocalist: yes
Billy: no...say it
Billy: dammit...say it
Billy: i mean it....finish the thought
guest vocalist: no billy
Billy: i'll trade you
Billy: you get to see my feelings about spontaneous art, if you spill
guest vocalist: i don’t care about your feelings bitch
Billy: lol
Billy: you suck
guest vocalist: i was just gonna say that i haven't been able to write in part because i thought my shit was coming out too formulaic
Billy: so you think you're really stuck on the idea that art should be spontaneous
Billy: well, a deal's a deal:
Billy: that i have to respond to...i hate the idea of being spontaneously artistic, i don't like the idea that art is inspired. there's such a connotation (and myth) of a lack of control over art...especially good art. it's as depressing as the idea that we're determined and that our art is just a manifestation of that. i want (and it bothers me when i feel like i don't have) complete control over my artistic output.
Billy: oh...and the "that i have to respond to" was about your original spontaneous artist comment
guest vocalist: sounds good
Billy: is it consistent with everything else i've been saying?
guest vocalist: sure
Billy: everything else i was saying was a contradictory and confusing mess too
Billy: have you noticed this pattern...i tend towards complete arrogance in action with afterthoughts of self-deprecation
guest vocalist: BILLY JESUS
guest vocalist: lol
Billy: that's me
guest vocalist: are you mocking me???
Billy: not at all...just recognizing a pattern
Billy: for whatever it's worth
guest vocalist: clown
Billy: lol...hush
Billy: so are you sitting down to write yet?
guest vocalist: about to
guest vocalist: after i watch dragonball z
Billy: i haven't watched that show in quite some time
Billy: used to watch it every week freshman year though
Billy: yo, if you wanna figure out the truth though, test the negative hypothesis
guest vocalist: dammit i know
guest vocalist: i'm a fucking scientist
Billy: yeah, but you're test seems to be integrally biased, dr. bob
guest vocalist: iklcnldwnciodnwilcnliw
guest vocalist: ukcbdkwjnckdnwqocnodc uibwqkcjb
Billy: true
Billy: go watch your cartoons
Billy: this is going on my want your screenname concealed?
guest vocalist: i don’t want this on your page
guest vocalist: because i sound foolish
Billy: and i sound like a genius
Billy: what's your point
guest vocalist: i was figuring it out while i was talking to you
Billy: really though, how do you sound foolish? cuz you have an idea
guest vocalist: ah whatever
guest vocalist: do whatever
Billy: nah, i won't if you don't want...
Billy: even if i don't understand why you don't want...but you mean cuz you were trying to figure out what you were saying while we were talking?
Billy: i could always just remove both the names
guest vocalist: the latter
guest vocalist: doesn't really matter
Billy: and you mean that (the "it doesn't really matter") or you're just saying it
guest vocalist: mean it
Billy: ok
Billy: cool
Billy: have fun writing

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introDucing the Dreaded Dandy-Lions

i was looking for and i typed in, as i usually do. this time however, i waited to see where the mistake took me. i still don't know who ?b/r/a/d/l/e/y? is, but check out the "change my mind, i beg of thee" link towards the bottom of the front page.

last night was great. my little brother, Rush, played his first gig at a club in Houston (cardi's). so me, my brother Bob and Rush's dad (my stepdad), drove the 3 hours from Austin to go see the show (and then back). i only got 4 hours of sleep last night but i wouldn't have missed it for anything. i'm the type of person who would risk losing my job to see my brothers' perform (bob is an actor at SouthWest Texas State(?) University) or to go visit my 21-month old neice, jacqueline jade moreno, in new york. but back to rush sandifer, lead guitarist and back-up vocalist pf the Dreaded Dandy-lions (i don't know if these cats are supposed to be feared or jamaican, but they are undoubtedly dandy (note the pleasant, playful effect of alliteration)).

we showed up at the door and he was waiting up front (to remind his friends to tell the money person who they were coming to see cuz he got $2 on every $5) and it was just so excitingly cool to see him, in the moments before he was gonna rock (i like to throw myself emotionally into moments like those. in fact, i was talking to his mom about how nervously excited i was getting). but back to the door...he probably had about 30-40 people there to see them (and his friends were having to borrow money left and right cuz the club decided unilaterally they were gonna charge the under-21 kids $8. those bastards.) the club was intimate...mostly cuz it wasn't very full, maybe about 80 people in the place. rush's little sisters, alex and darby, were there and they were cute. alex was all gussied up, vamping in her red leather pants and a ruffle-y, stretchy lookin shirt. darby refuses to talk to me (she's only 5 i think), and whenever i come around she shoves her face in her mom's ass (although last time i was around them, she was on a sugar high and you couldn't stop her from talking...especially once the knock-knock jokes were unleashed).

rush is the cutest though...whenever he's playing me or bob new music that he's recorded on his 4-track, he always introduces it as "pretty gay, but i like it". it would have been classic if he would've announced their set that way. bob and i both thought so.

the singer did some punk screaming and some just plain old rock singing...ntohing special about his voice, but he did have maniacal looks on his face, a fedora, some black paint on his right eye, a fake scottish accent when he talked between songs, dance moves as manic-ly goofy as the faces (although i feel like he was holdin back some), and to top it all off, he started brushing his teeth about halfway through the 45-minute set, frothing at the mouth and spitting out foam.

the bass player was a chick. she had a blow pop in her mouth and two strapped to her mic stand. she gave them to darby after tthe show. i tried stealing them from her...face to ass again. the chick looked sedated. she was also cute and capable and a first time performer. when rush was auditioning people to fill the spot and found out she was interested, he said that she was getting in regardless.

the drum player was good and in the back and presentation wise he was just drumming there in the back. but he was definitely good.

rush is great though (speaking as a brother and a fan). i was standing down in the pit and a couple of times early in the show he gave me this embarrassed smile and a shrug like "eh...whatever. i don't know what the hell i'm doing up here". he would also just zone out and stare blankly while he was playing. proficiency with guitars (and pianos) really is sexy attractive and generally just gorgeous to watch. the cutest thing though was that rush had maybe ten or so picks stuck on his mic stand so that after every song he could throw one out into the crowd and unholster a fresh one (i guess it's what rock stars do?...i've only been to rap concerts before and few of those). well he forgot and at the end of the show his stepdad/stage manager/kiss tribute band bass player was pointing at the pics. so rush is like "uh...hey everybody, i forgot to do here." and he's standing there for a minute just throwing pick after pick into the audience and people started calling out for them like groupies (me too) when he ran out. he all nonchalantly, but with muted surprise, says "you guys can just ask me for a pick. i'll give you one if you want." the kid is a natural.

objectively as possible, i think the song that rush sang lead on was the best one. it was about a girl whose dad beat her, so her boyfriend "rescued" her (killed her dad), only to beat her himself. he's got a good ear for mixing sounds and paces and textures and such. they covered the batman t.v. show theme song, complete with cheesy fight scene choreography. and offered an updated classic "love potion 69".

the dreaded dandy-lions, folks. give em a hand.

i've got financial obligations here in austin, but i'd really like to move out to houston so i can work with him and just watch them rehearse (and maybe learn a little guitar, ladies)...maybe i'll work out something with my mom and stepdad (i owe them the money that i'm working this corporate job for). we'll see.

oh, and rush wants me to write a song for him/them. it's about a guy who's driving along (on a road trip i guess) in his car and in the first verse he's thinking about how he's never met anyone who was right for him. the second, he picks up this hitchhiker girl who turns out to be perfect. and in the third, with heavily sexual (and maybe personal submersion) imagery, she kills him. the way i plan to do it is to have every couple lines be from someone else's songs like he's listening to the radio the whole time (although i just thought that maybe in the third verse the radio lyrics won't match up, and may contrast sharply with the mood and action). if only i had any idea what songs to quote. i'm open to suggestions.

detroit, you've been wonderful. this is Billy Moreno, stringing out and signing off (or something).

oh, and if for some odd reason (or if you're just in the houston area) you're interested...drop a note and i'll get you on the dandy-lions' email list.

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Zip ah dee do dah

working in the mailroom for a company that has offices on two floors makes the elevators an important part of my day (although if i had a girlfriend i'd keep her stashed in the stairwell and use those instead). i've decided to test my clairvoyance while waiting for the elevator to come up, by picking which of the four elevators will come first (and when i need to feel like i'm talented and special, i cheat by not picking until i hear one). i'm not very psychic, but that's not a problem cuz of the elevator doors are highly reflective. up and down, up and down. hour after hour i look at myself. i fix my hair (which i don't actually style in the morning, unless weather permitting, i'm able to roll the window down driving to my elevators at work). i tell myself that my cordurouys aren't noticeably wrinkled. and then i get off (i'm talking exit the elevator, people).

that is, unless i'm on the elevator alone...and then i sing. freestyle. but it's not rap, it's definitely singing and it's great. and if i've been singing and someone else gets on the elevator, i stop singing. and then i think about how funny it would be if i kept singing while they stood in their corner giving me funny not-looks (i'm not sure if that corner is all the room they want, or if it's all the room my personality leaves for them). so i start laughing, out loud, for no readily apparent reason. and i think how odd they must think i am for laughing and i laugh more. i really don't need any of you to be happy.

actually, that kind of came up at lunch too. me and scott (my service center cohort) and lonnie (the old guy in charge of the kitchen) were just sitting around talking about something. and i said something and it's not important what i said and scott didn't respond, he just looked down at his tv dinner spaghetti. so i start laughing and they both look at me like what the hell are you on. i try explaining what i'm laughing and still laughing about and scott is just confused as hell but amused. finally, i give up and i said, "it doesn't matter. i know what i was talking about." scott said something witty and i responded, "anyways, you really only need one person for a conversation." they definitely think i'm an odd bird.

but what i really wanted to give to you after all this mess is the songs.

Song #1

iiiii consider myself quite the lucky fel-looooow
cuuuuz i've never ever cried
iiiif i ever haad too cry, iii'd
consider myself
consider myself
consider myself
the lucky guy.

Song #2

when the wind hits your eye like
the wind in your eye
thaaat's a hurricane

Song #3

iii've got a little bit of butter
aaand it sticks to my plate
iii've got a little bit of butter
didn't you hear what i say

iii've got quite a bit of butter
aaand it won't leave my plate
i'd hate to see it go
but i'd really like to know
it was possibowl
iif i want-ed

i sang the first one to my mother once (we carpool home from work), and she wonders if i'm not driving myself crazy. what do you think?

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the Adventures of Dicktion


when i met the girl
she tripped my world
so i came on to her right
she's like it seems like we got off
on the wrong foot, didn't we?
i did agree
so i lavished love on her left
my luck
she laughed
i hadn't enough so i asked
if she was ready for the next step
she nodded her head yes
so i put my foot in my mouth and
stepped on her toes
all in the same move
playing smooth. like it's plain to the naked eye
you ain't too bright
so why don't you blow me

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Just Johnny and I

Johnny: check the scnerio
Billy Moreno: k
Johnny: I write a reply letter to a certain female who I speak about way too much
Johnny: but I catch her on messenger
Johnny: she really can't talk
Johnny: I just ask her to reply
Johnny: my letter
Johnny: well........
Johnny: after a few days
Johnny: my insecurity reaches a high
Johnny: I mean I was freaking out
Johnny: like what am I doing
Billy Moreno: k
Johnny: saying be honest with me
Johnny: don't worry about my feelings
Johnny: tons of insecure stuff
Johnny: well its been 6 days
Johnny: and I'm going crazy
Johnny: now I feel terrible
Johnny: all the questioning
Johnny: all the insecurity
Johnny: I want to write another letter
Johnny: but thats 3 stragiht letters
Johnny: I 'm scared to do it
Johnny: cause I mean 3 letters all with different views
Billy Moreno: write this letter then give her time
Billy Moreno: it's human johnny
Johnny: so write this last one
Billy Moreno: and honest
Johnny: yeah
Johnny: I just wanted
Johnny: to say
Johnny: that it does'nt matter why she writes me or talks to me
Johnny: is that she did and does
Johnny: you know
Billy Moreno: yeah
Johnny: cause humans waste too much time with quetions
Johnny: we should accept our realities
Billy Moreno: we should decide our realities
Johnny: I suppose
Johnny: yes
Billy Moreno: still no questions though
Johnny: yeah questionsa cause stress
Johnny: and its just a sign of insecuirty
Billy Moreno: and it really doesn't matter why she writes
Johnny: you got it
Johnny: I just realized that

Johnny: This is a disclaimer, one that is letting you know that our friend Ridilin is far from what you call sane, and would like to let everyone know he felt he had this point to prove and does'nt mind that it may bring insults or hatred towards him, if anything he has a sick sense of humor, one that may only amuse him and nobody else, but if you are amused then he was glad to be of service, and if you are not, then he probably will be amused by your dissapointment anyways, anyways like the ever so great Bobby McFerren said: "Don't worry, Be Happy"........, peace.

Johnny: If I express everything on my mind, it would be alot, well it would amount to many minutes of enjoyable entertainment, or is that narcissim, maybe so, but I'm so important, little old me, the movie star, the one who will suceed and push you over that cliff of failure, hey I'd break your fall, but then that means I'd be stciking my neck out for you, and gullitine blocks are uncomfortable if you don't mind, so why don't I write a book, or maybe a movie script, everyone else is doing it, and don't forget we all believe we are more important, now listen to this, we all sit in front of these other beings with extremely large heads, I mean veins popping out of the skull, and these high and exaulted people
Johnny: tell you whether or not what little old you wrote is worth a moment of thier time or if it was the biggest waste of breathing room on the planet, but I figure going number one in the bathroom is a waste of time, but we never critize our blatters, call it silly but typing this right now is a waste of my so called valuable time, I mean right now, I could be unselfish and love everything everybody else wrote, but then I'd need a fancy title like art critic to do so, oh no wait, no I don't, what I say means it all, and you should'nt worry that your personal love is the reason you write, oh wait but you want me to care, oh how sweet, wait a minute, you are not me, so I don't care cause I rule your universe, and you live in your own world, and we see our own visions, and what I see is a vast insecure movement, so cha cha cha........
Billy Moreno: cha cha cha
Billy Moreno: you are bugging out
Johnny: there is more
Billy Moreno: k
Billy Moreno: lol
Johnny: Ok, I'd like to say you're so cool, I've never seen someone take over like you, you got this Poetry board Hitler thing going, maybe you're Stalin, maybe you're our leader, oh wait I'm sorry my knees refuse to lay down, and yeah I see you got this disorder, I do too, we got alot in common, we go around telling people we're right, which is like taking a left 3 blocks from here, then you have to look for the closest sweatshop, you know the ones that waste notebook paper, yeah I go there alot, its sorta easy, a whole bunch of us do it, its not really much of a paying job, but it makes us feel good, you know that smashing a headblock across somebody's head while on enough sleeping pills to drive in a hospital parking lot feeling, you relate I know you do, I know you know that feeling to sit down and go, "What can little old me(ah-hem), I mean amazing god like me will do next",
Johnny: I know I know screams the eager student aka confidence, I'll make my presence known among others who share my capacity syndrome, its like moving in with your roomate and deciding its your place, when everyone has the rent but you feel if you contribute more its yours, so I'll shut up and sit back down on my stool in the dark corner, I forgot where I was, I forgot that I had to compete, no you I don't I'll just follow your trend, you're a leader, and I'll proudly wave the flag of participant, cause I had to admit I was impressed with all those topic titles, oh yeah, I forgot something, you don't mind if I join in, being that is it you're room, hmmm, I mean I just got a whole bunch of words too, I mean topics, oh no poetry, oh no songs, you know what I mean, this is fun, I just would like to thank you.......
Johnny: Call this a reach program
the touch of your lifeguard
the odd man in your gallery
working on a savior's salary

So wake up and view your judgement
while words are thrown in stones clothing
I have this honesty problem
but its your agony
I only hope to cure the paralyzed
give the contact lenses to the teachers
and give swimming lessons to the followers
but how much convincing does it take
that maybe I'm here to lead the way
that I've found a voice amongst defmutes
I'll sacrifice my dignity for your moment
ok, here's what I know so far
that I know enough to break down our lies
and that I can undress your disguise

Call this a reach program
the touch of your lifeguard
the odd man in your gallery
working on a savior's salary

Johnny: I've seen that they can't accept it
so I embraced the unwanted orphans
explained the meaning of my crusade
some agreed it was about time for the second coming
I decided to show up and break hypnotism
and rip the wallpaper off the realism
but here's the problem, they call it a religion
they called it a government party
a cult who's following is growing largely
I'm just someone who's decided to decide'
tied the rope that hung my pride
they will see what it is
a philosophy with a perogitive
but will they understand the very truth
faith has no use....

Call this a reach program
the touch of your lifeguard
the odd man in your gallery
working on a savior's salary

Johnny: I stood amongst thier very eyes
they could'nt believe what they heard or saw
first things first:
it is existense, negativity in itself is resistance, you can't refuse the very reason you live, unless you decide to leave out the exit, yes there is a system that runs on a program, and yes they use it to master your destiny, but the plan is there is no plan, you have this free will, amongst those who don't believe in thiers, if it was possible to only gain from giving then you would'nt work for nothing, instead you live to satisfy the dissatisfied, which seperates the connections we should be making, cause we are just people after all, who had our places decided, but why is it we feel the surroundings decide our contribution to the script,you we can improvise and have this freedom to let the weight fall where it may, in a way this is only a day, and this is only a life

Johnny: we are all given a chance to live, and you will decide if you want to admit you feel great everytime they smile back, but why must they smile, cause we can't wait for each other, we must start today, right now, thats right living, going outside, realizing that we don't control other's opinions, but that we control our own, and that very opinion is where happiness lies, basically put you are only as happy as you want to be, you don't have to act out happiness, you just have to be.....

Johnny: I read your blog
Billy Moreno: i read your poem and posts
Billy Moreno: this is very good
Johnny: its not done
Johnny: lol
Billy Moreno: so what'd you think of my blogging?
Johnny: nice
Johnny: I think I should do one
Johnny: lol
Johnny: but nobody would read mine
Johnny: yours is wonderful
Johnny: I liked Monkey's Uncle
Billy Moreno: mine is a rambling mess
Johnny: but I'm such a groupie anyways
Billy Moreno: and i throw in old poems when i have nothing to say
Johnny: ok
Billy Moreno: you'd only be a groupie if i wasn't really great
Billy Moreno: in fact, i've got a few poems i'm going to throw in today
Johnny: And I decided to post something, what it really is has no more significance then writing about whether or not Bin Ladin wears boxers or briefs, maybe he does'nt, anyone want a jock strap? I would'nt use one since it hinders my sliding technique, but thats unimportant as the next amount of words, oh wow I wrote a run on sentance, hold on lets cripple my words a bit, now lets see:
You can't carry every twisted ankle victim
and wedlocks get stuck in transitions
so wait who's going to spare some change
cause I'm a finger pointer waiting for someone to blame...

Wow that was fun I guess I feel as though I'm capable I don't know of what, but hey its cool is'nt it?, like you would care, we really don't we appease each other with empty replies, oh wait I'm sorry, we love each other, hence we send love letters to each other and they mean so much to me

Billy Moreno: did you like my sports metaphor mess\
Johnny: , I thank you, except tommorow is a whole another script of moodswings and lustful temtations of attention spans give me thats or I'm going to whine before someone elses steals my advertisement time, I hate commercials anyways, you shameless promoter you, now can we hold hands and get this sweaty palm exchange over with, cause I'm so tired of pretending we hate each other, if anything you're sorta cute, especially when you cry all over you're brand name shirt, such a postcard, send it to me next week, so I can rememebr that depression is fun, and please remember we are so the same, very much losers in a winner's game........

Johnny: yes but now you must read
Johnny: do not miss my pondering question about Bin Ladins
Billy Moreno: i am reading and giggling
Billy Moreno: and not missing a bit
Johnny: Hey I'm not funny in the sitcom laugh track way, if anything I'm nonsense in a textbook with that superior knowledge complex, lets race with trains tracks and wait for the crossing, hammer my nails in, I'll smile at my newest prescriptions, wait in the middle of prescriptions is script, that movie role, I'm that type of guy who will always play that character questioning his existense, cause I have that look, that look is so me, and the end of character is acter which sounds like actor, so it is very convient, or so it seems, now here's something clever, we are friends right?
Johnny: well friends end with end, so wait its not marriage which ends with age, it means to grow or gain experience, now did you realize that if friends end, and are'nt there to stay, are they trends, cause trends have ends, and ends is a slang word for cash, so now lets see, we got a trend, that makes ends, that intergrates friends, and it all must end, the audience applauds cause I'm just like them and me being a human being impresses them so much, now look again, but this time leave the camera on!!!!!!
Billy Moreno: the stream of thoughts is still good but sometimes it seems a bit much...maybe too obvious. maybe. i'm not sure yet
Johnny: lol
Billy Moreno: true
Billy Moreno: which ends in rue
Billy Moreno: and in the middle is u
Billy Moreno: ?
Johnny: lol
Johnny: Hey don't laugh its as legitiment as ninfomania, it has alot to do with this lack of real true love I suppose, something about my parents not loving me, and not giving me hugs, will someone please nurture me, or give me a heart shape box full of chocolates, it would make me feel alot more appreciated, cause its all I need, ok, cause we don't have to commit just pretend to, matter of fact lets pretend this is enjoyable and deep, no even better lets pretend like we wrote this play and that we casted all the roles and choose all the extras, then it gives us that god perspective, you know the one where we feel the world is ours to control, but wait, its controllable, you ever play one of those things the kids nowadays are calling video games systems,
Johnny: well like those joysticks, now the problem some decided to play without reading the instructions, heck even some of them just misinterpreted or made up thier own rules, oh there's rules,plenty of them, well not really, they are made up by those who already failed, and basically its heartbreaking to watch one succeed, where you already have failed, so here's the trade we'll give you an idea, and you'll decide what the meaning was, then we'll pretend you can't figure it out, and you'll feel like the right answer is wrong, then listen to this, here's the best part, we'll tell you some answer you never thought of, because it was so simple it was difficult,
Johnny: like how every riddle is a joke with a bad ending, its not clever, its not even funny, it is in a way our escape from boredom which introduces you into a social circle of boredom, and we pretend this is'nt boring, oh wait its better then staring at our walls, which are our minds, which are our writings, which are our words, which are our lies, which maybe our truths spoken in distrustful forms, so hold on, you're telling me the meaning is that the meaning does'nt mean anything at all, that we create meanings to simplify the failure of the actual facts of the truth, well put it like this, has anybody lived to talk about death, but yet we know so much about it, now perceive that with your guard down, kiddies.........
Johnny: well here's the last one
Johnny: the ending
Johnny: I hate everyone for some reason, why you ask, well......., because they praise human gods, a god who's ability is overhyped but wait, is'nt every god the same, well I'm not one to say, supposedly a blind man can't witness, but yet someone with blind faith sees it all, and wait who are you to know everything, well I asked god the same question still waiting on my answer, so I can make you wait as well, I'll promise you this, it will be great, so perfect and beautiful it will give meaning to every definition, and explain the unexplainable and make you realize how important every speck of dirt is, you'll be surprised if anything, but then maybe you don't want a reason
Johnny: , just a lie, or better yet a dream, one we can chase and fail attaining over and over again, or even better yet I'll trick you into believe that dream will make your life worth every second, then you'll realize its not, sorry but hey who does'nt need a new dream, sorry you wanted something meaningful, oh wait you want something great, something so perfect and unattainable, I'll give you the perception of this shadowy figure, to be honest this is a joke, haha funny is'nt it..........
Billy Moreno: very good...are you gonna cleanit up at all?
Billy Moreno: i really like the blind faith line
Johnny: no
Johnny: its a joke
Johnny: the whole point is all writing is meaningless
Johnny: we give it meaning
Billy Moreno: yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't clean it up and save it
Billy Moreno: everything's a joke
Billy Moreno: i don't write meaning into my pieces
Johnny: but its just writing
Johnny: its not important
Johnny: my view you view
Billy Moreno: people read em and ask me what i mean so i come up with something
Johnny: all views
Johnny: well of course
Billy Moreno: nothing's important except what people attach to it
Johnny: you got it
Johnny: like the Bible
Billy Moreno: so why not attach importance to this
Johnny: thats a piece of writing that has controlled generations
Johnny: but in the end its a fuckin book
Johnny: not a God
Johnny: it has no more significance then the next man's book
Johnny: it just was bestowed with it
Johnny: thats was all
Johnny: we right to entertain ourselves
Johnny: and to entertain others
Billy Moreno: but it's not just writing that has no inherent meaning
Johnny: well writing is given menaing
Johnny: either by the reader
Johnny: or by the writer themselves
Johnny: but ask yourself what is writing
Johnny: words
Billy Moreno: everything's given meaning...people do things for reasons, but those reasons are arbitrary
Johnny: ok
Billy Moreno: priorities are arbitrary
Johnny: but for example you're like clean it up
Johnny: why
Johnny: its just words
Johnny: how can you use words better
Johnny: in a way how can you explain your own feelings better then the actual explanation
Billy Moreno: cuz i'm egocentric and to me and my arbitrary designations it would sound better cleaned up
Billy Moreno: i wanna create the world in my image
Johnny: yeah but thats an opinion
Johnny: in the end its the same conveyed message
Johnny: and to me as long as it was origginal in my own view, I'm satisfied
Billy Moreno: opinions are fact
Billy Moreno: and fact needs to be redefined
Billy Moreno: and facts and opinions can and do change
Billy Moreno: and yet underneath it all i believe in an absolute reality, just one that has no definition or meaning
Johnny: yep
Johnny: thats the point
Johnny: so why do I have to improve my writing
Johnny: to me you either enjoy or don't
Billy Moreno: except that you can change it and it would be a differentthing and i could enjoy or not enjoy that
Billy Moreno: but if you know how you want it to sound and that's're right, you don't need to change a thing
Johnny: well I don't care about it
Billy Moreno: psh
Johnny: I have no reason to revisit my past thoughts
Billy Moreno: psh
Johnny: thats all
Billy Moreno: there is no past
Johnny: cool
Billy Moreno: yep
Johnny: its cool
Johnny: I'm just saying be less opiniated
Johnny: I never felt like critizing your work cause I liked it
Johnny: I can find flaws in anything
Johnny: but I enjoy the body of work
Billy Moreno: see this is where i get in trouble
Billy Moreno: and you should be able to say both and i should be able to hear both
Johnny: maybe
Johnny: but sometimes I'd rather not say the negatives
Johnny: they don't interst me
Billy Moreno: why?
Johnny: just don't feel its necessary
Billy Moreno: why should negatives interest you any less than positives
Billy Moreno: neither are necessary
Johnny: well if it is over whelmling negative
Johnny: Iwill say something
Johnny: but if I enjoy something I just enjoy the positives
Billy Moreno: granted...but if you see room for improvement (while still enjoying)?
Johnny: no cause it takes away from the fafillment
Johnny: I like to enjoy something not always critize it
Billy Moreno: whose?
Billy Moreno: but isn;t that kinda inflated fulfillment?
Billy Moreno: like saying jordan shouldn't have come back cuz he'd tarnish his legacy?
Billy Moreno: negatives and positives aren't quantitative
Billy Moreno: there's no balance sheet
Johnny: but Jordan is still performing at a high level
Johnny: if he came back and played terrible people willtell him
Billy Moreno: but i'm saying...before he came back, people said he shouldn't cuz he would tarnish his legacy
Billy Moreno: how does him coming back and playing poorly affect what he's already done
Billy Moreno: how do things i see that could be improved in your writing affect what's right with it
Johnny: well here's better analogy
Johnny: I don't care
Johnny: like in a why it does'nt matter to me
Johnny: I did'nt write that stuff to be improved or to be loved
Billy Moreno: lol...that was an analogy
Billy Moreno: oh definitely..i agree
Billy Moreno: if you're just writing to write
Billy Moreno: you have no impetus to worry about it
Johnny: yep
Johnny: but in the end it does'nt really matter
Billy Moreno: but that doesn't really have anything to do with how i read it
Johnny: the point is we write
Johnny: we write for the stuf to be read
Johnny: there's no need to rewrite
Billy Moreno: it's not rewriting
Johnny: the point is it got read
Billy Moreno: it's just more writing
Johnny: yeah but I've moved on
Billy Moreno: is it less writing if you take more time planning in your head?
Billy Moreno: then move on
Johnny: I only plan some things I write
Johnny: its how I approach it
Johnny: some things I really put the effort into
Billy Moreno: i don't plan ever...and i rarely (until lately) edit
Johnny: so you see thats the problem
Johnny: you approach my stuff like your work
Johnny: it will take the joy away from it
Johnny: the humor the sensibility
Johnny: its on you to do that
Billy Moreno: oh nah...see i enjoy it anyway
Billy Moreno: i separate criticism from appreciation
Billy Moreno: movies that i think aren't good, i still watch
Billy Moreno: and not condescendingly
Johnny: thats funny
Johnny: I can't watch a bad movie more then once
Billy Moreno: that's cuz your not opening up to approach movies like your job and it takes away the humor and sensibility
Billy Moreno: or something
Johnny: well pornons ar funny to me
Johnny: pornos*
Johnny: but I still can't watch them
Billy Moreno: yeah, i couldn't see watching a porno as a regular movie
Johnny: well even regular movies
Johnny: like I saw this movie Apt. Pupil
Johnny: I thought it was so wasteful
Johnny: I could'nt enjoy it
Billy Moreno: hmm...
Billy Moreno: navy seals 2 - bona fide classic
Johnny: lol
Johnny: I have to see that
Billy Moreno: it's some cheesy action movie. every motion is accompanied by a swishing sound effect
Johnny: haha
Johnny: oh I see
Johnny: I'm not much of a action guy
Johnny: except for Hard Boiled and The Killer
Johnny: I love those 2
Billy Moreno: at one point this guys just in some conversation and he's making normal conversation movements and you can't keep up with which swish is attached to which motion
Johnny: haha
Billy Moreno: and then for some reason at the end of the movie, people are getting cut in half or taking poles through their chests and surviving (while the rest of the movie was just normal action violence)
Johnny: haha
Billy Moreno: and none of the characters get developed but people have these strong one-dimensional passionate interactions
Johnny: haha
Johnny: thats you
Billy Moreno:
Johnny: I need charater development
Johnny: its one of the reasons I care about movies
Billy Moreno: lol...i like it too. but this movie is sublime
Johnny: I feel ewvery movie has a character who represents people I know
Johnny: if that is taken away
Johnny: I lose some of the fun
Billy Moreno: that's goofy
Johnny: yeah I know
Johnny: but thats what I look for
Johnny: cause I know some weird people

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